oral surgery practice management software

CDT & ICD Codes

Download the latest diagnostic codes for your practice management software


The code on Dental procedures and Nomenclature (CDT Code) is a set of standardized descriptions of dental procedures paired with a 5-character code. CDT Codes are a standard Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) code set, and the American Dental Association (ADA) releases annual updates for these codes. Carestream Dental software uses CDT Codes to provide a consistent description of the procedures performed at your office to insurers and other interested parties.

For additional information, see the ADA CDT Code website. Please find the appropriate update utility for the Carestream Dental product used in your office. It is important to note that some Carestream Dental practice management software does not require an update utility and uses other methods to perform CDT Code updates each year.

Practiceworks CDT Codes Updates

PracticeWorks (Version 9.0 or higher) uses the CDT Injector to prompt you to update CDT codes annually. If you have not been prompted to make this update for CDT 2023, please contact support at 800.603.4438 for assistance. If you're using a version of PracticeWorks earlier than v9.0, you must update the CDT codes manually. See the job aid below (Manually Adding CDT Codes) for additional information.

Installing 2025 CDT Codes Instructions:

Manually Adding CDT Codes Job Aid:

Softdent CDT Codes Updates

CDT 2025 changes include: 10 new codes; 8 revisions; 2 deleted codes; 4 editorial changes

2025 CDT Codes Update:
Installation Guide for SoftDent

2025 CDT Codes Update:


The CDT 2025 update for WinOMS contains 10 new codes, 8 revisions, 2 deleted codes and 4 editorial changes.On-premise customers can download the update utility and instructions to install the new CDT code set, or contact your Carestream Dental representative about upgrading to the version of WinOMS that includes the latest codes.

Instruction Guide: WinOMS 2025 CDT Code Update

2025 CDT Code Update:
WinOMS v9

2025 CDT Code Update:
WinOMS v10

WINOMS ICD-10 2025

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that the ICD-10-CM code set is updated for fiscal year 2025, effective October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025. The update includes 252 new codes, 36 code deletions, and 13 code revisions.

On-premise customers can download the update utility and instructions to install the new ICD-10 code set, or contact your Carestream Dental representative about upgrading to the version of WinOMS that includes the latest codes.

Instruction Guide: WinOMS
2025 ICD-10 Code Update

2025 ICD-10 Update: WinOMS
(v10.0.6.59 and earlier)

2025 ICD-10 Update: WinOMS

*Please note: For v10.x we have created two separate utilities due to changes in the PowerBuilder version (WinOMS DLLs have been changed).